
Paperback, 464 pages

Italiano language

Published by Mondadori.

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4 stars (8 reviews)

Binti Ekeopara Zuzu Dambu Kaipka di Namib è una ragazza di etnia Himba, talmente brava in matematica e nella tecnica dell'astrolabio da venire selezionata per frequentare la prestigiosa Oomza University. È l'occasione della vita e così, nonostante la contrarietà della sua famiglia, e le radicate tradizioni della sua terra, Binti fugge dal villaggio in cui vive e si imbarca sulla Terzo Pesce per intraprendere il viaggio interstellare verso Oomza. Ma tutto cambia quando le Meduse, feroci creature belligeranti, attaccano il veicolo che la ospita, uccidendo l'equipaggio, i passeggeri, gli altri studenti che Binti ha appena conosciuto. La giovane si trova così a doversela cavare da sola, intrappolata su un'astronave piena di esseri assassini, per cinque lunghi giorni prima di raggiungere la meta. Ma chi sono le Meduse? Binti scopre che dietro la loro storia, e la guerra che hanno scatenato contro i Khoush, si nasconde molto più di quanto non …

2 editions

Review of 'Binti' on 'LibraryThing'

4 stars

I loved that this is a sci-fi/action novel in which the driving conflict is not resolved by force or technology, and I love the picture it paints of the interstellar-cosmopolitan university. I wanted more character development--a bit more of Binti ethnicity and excellence, but mainly a few other fleshed-out characters--but I'm also mindful of how short a book this is. I'm looking forward to the rest of the series and wonder if it will scratch that itch.

Review of 'Binti' on 'LibraryThing'

4 stars

I loved that this is a sci-fi/action novel in which the driving conflict is not resolved by force or technology, and I love the picture it paints of the interstellar-cosmopolitan university. I wanted more character development--a bit more of Binti ethnicity and excellence, but mainly a few other fleshed-out characters--but I'm also mindful of how short a book this is. I'm looking forward to the rest of the series and wonder if it will scratch that itch.

Review of 'Binti' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

This was a fascinating short read. It can be finished in an hour or two and you can even find a free preview of it at Tor. I'm always a fan of world building but frequently forget that while other species and distant planets are fine, there are plenty of exciting peoples here on Earth too. Binti is indisputably human and a hero with intriguing talents and an exotic culture that makes her that much cooler. I'm curious to learn more about her story and wonder what the other two books in the series are about.

You can find my full review over at my blog:

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