Strangest of All

Anthology of Astrobiological Science Fiction

English language

Published May 19, 2020 by European Astrobiology Institute.

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Oceans under ice and civilizations that have never seen the sun. Life in the most unexpected of places. Biospheres radically different from ours.

Strangest of All, developed in cooperation of the European Astrobiology Institute and scientist and editor Julie Nováková, takes you on a journey to encounter life in the universe, as imagined in SF stories by award-winning authors, and our chances of finding it outside of the Earth, detecting it remotely, learning its limits and more in original nonfiction essays following each story.

Contains reprint SF stories by G. David Nordley, Geoffrey Landis, Gregory Benford, Tobias S. Buckell, Peter Watts and D. A. Xiaolin Spires, and a bonus story by the editor.

1 edition